Article 648 (Requests for Return of Premiums upon Nullification of Insurance Contracts)
Where an insurance contract becomes invalid in whole or in part, if a policyholder and the insured have acted in good faith and without gross negligence, they can demand a return of the insurance premium, in whole or in part. The same shall also apply where the policyholder and the beneficiary have acted in good faith and without gross negligence.
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제648조(보험계약의 무효로 인한 보험료반환청구)
보험계약의 전부 또는 일부가 무효인 경우에 보험계약자와 피보험자가 선의이며 중대한 과실이 없는 때에는 보험자에 대하여 보험료의 전부 또는 일부의 반환을 청구할 수 있다. 보험계약자와 보험수익자가 선의이며 중대한 과실이 없는 때에도 같다.
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Attorney's Notes] The extinctive prescription of a claim for return of premiums becomes complete if not exercised for a period of three years. Therefore exercise of the right to claim return of premiums is barred by expiration of statute of limitations, if not exercised for three years.
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